Concern about a student's safety and well-being

What to do if you're concerned about a student's safety and well-being

UPchieve is only qualified to provide academic support to students—we are not qualified to support a student in a crisis. In rare cases, a student may open up to you about a situation that you deem to be unsafe for the student or those around them. If this happens, you should take these steps:

  1. Report the student to UPchieve. We want to be able to respond as quickly as possible when this happens. After reporting, you can continue the session with steps 2 - 5.

  2. Validate their feelings. 

    • You can say: “I hear you, it sounds like you’re going through a lot.”

  3. Explain that you are not the right person in this situation. 

    • You can say: “I'm not the right person to help you with what you need. I'm a tutor and UPchieve is only for academic support.”

  4. Connect them to resources

  5. After these steps, you can continue to be present and validate their experience or you can end the session. 

    • You can say: “I’m glad you’re looking for help today and I hope the resources I shared were helpful! Please reach out to the resource I shared and I will be rooting for you.”

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