How to delete your account or data

Request account and data deletion

Delete your account

You may request to delete your account in a couple of ways.

In the UPchieve mobile app

  • Download the iOS or Android mobile app.

  • Use the sidebar navigation to visit your Profile.

  • Under Account, open Settings.

  • Select Delete Account.

  • If you are sure you want to delete your account, select Yes, I'm sure.

Ask support to delete your account

If you use the web app, contact us from this page using the built-in support widget.

  • Click the support button to open the support widget

  • Select Send us a message from the options

  • Send a message requesting we delete your account. If we don't get back to you right away, you will receive an email from us to the email associated with your account. We aim for a 24-hour response time, but it could be longer, especially over weekends.

  • We will walk you through the deletion process.

How to open the support widget

In the app and have a question, issue, or feedback? Contact us!

Update or delete some of your data

Edit your Profile in the app

Check in the Profile section of the app. You may edit some details like your phone number, as described in the following article.

Update and verify your phone number

Updating and verifying your phone number

Ask support to update or delete your data

For all other requests, contact us using the built-in support widget. Please read the instructions Ask support to delete your account above and follow the steps to send us a message. Instead of asking for us to delete your account, tell us what data you would like to change or remove, and we will support you.

What happens when you request to delete your account or data?

It may take up to 30 days for us to fully process your deletion request.

We will fully delete most data about you, but there are exceptions. We keep transcripts and content generated in tutoring sessions or other services you participated in to support legal responsibilities as well as continuity of support for other participants in those provided services. Also, please be aware we share minimal personal information to third-party processors for the purposes listed in our Privacy Policy, and while we will take every effort possible to ensure they also delete your data within our timeline, they may act according to their own policies that we have limited control over.

Learn more about how we and our third-party processors handle your data and which data we keep in our Privacy Policy.

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