Direct Messaging

We are piloting the ability for coaches and students to connect after their session through our app! Let's learn together.

What is direct messaging?

Coaches will be able to initiate 1:1 messages with students after their session. These messages will be sent through UPchieve, monitored by staff and AI to ensure safe and respectful communications.

What should my messages be about?

Our hope is that students will be encouraged to use UPchieve more because of coach messages! You can send them helpful material, positive words of encouragement, or even check in on how their test went days after your session. You can also use DMs as a way to schedule follow up sessions with the student, just remember that it's very important to show up to the tutoring session as students will be relying on you.

When should I encourage the student to request a session versus continuing our direct messaging?

In general, DMs should be used for non-urgent quick tips, words of encouragements, or sharing resources. If a student needs urgent, longer or more complex help, encourage them to request a new session.

Why can't I message every student?

We're in the piloting phase of this feature, so the option to direct message (DM) a student won't be available after every session.

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