Coach Community Guidelines

Guidelines for all UPchieve volunteers

Our top priority is to keep UPchieve a safe and supportive environment for everyone! To help us achieve that, please make sure to adhere to the following guidelines:

Keep all communication on our platform. 

Please keep all communication with students within UPchieve's virtual classroom for safety and privacy. Feel free to review student's materials on other sites like GoogleDocs or in PDFs, but offer feedback and suggestions only through UPchieve's chat or collaborative tools. 

Avoid sharing or requesting contact information (email, phone number, or social media handle) or other personally identifiable information (last name or address) with each other. In-person meetings, or virtual meetings such as Zoom or Google Hangouts are never permitted. Please review our Safety Policy for more details.

Maintain academic integrity by focusing on student learning. 

When students come to you with questions, we encourage you to be champions of critical thinking. Help them by asking what they believe the first step should be, empowering them to think through the process independently. It's vital to keep students engaged and active in every session, as their involvement fosters a positive and effective learning environment. Try to avoid providing students with answers and never write essays for students.

Additionally, assisting students on graded assessments (tests, exams, etc.) is not allowed, as these assessments are meant to be completed independently. If a student seeks help with a quiz or test questions, kindly inform them that you cannot provide direct answers. Encourage them to do their best and suggest they return for help with their study preparation. Please review our Academic Integrity Policy for more details.

Be mindful of your language.

Neither students nor coaches are permitted to use inappropriate or offensive language (such as swear words, insults, or slurs), discuss inappropriate topics (such as violence or sexual topics), or share media related to any of the above.  

Respect each other. 

Everyone on UPchieve deserves to be treated with respect. Students and coaches should notify UPchieve if any user makes them feel uncomfortable, pushes them on a question they are not comfortable with, or violates a stated boundary. Please review our DEI Policy for more details.

Act in good faith.

In general, we trust our coaches to act in the best interest of our mission. From accruing volunteer hours through active tutoring and being available to pick up sessions more often than not when you’re scheduled, to maintaining just one account; we expect our coaches to conduct themselves with sincerity, honesty, and integrity. 

Remember, violating these guidelines may result in your account being placed under review and, ultimately, suspended from the platform. But we're sure that won't be an issue as you've been an awesome member of our community!

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