Starting the Volunteer Process

Learn about volunteer onboarding and what it's like to volunteer

What do I need to do to start helping students?

  • First, create a coach account :)

  • Then, you must complete all onboarding steps

    • Fill out a quick information form and upload a photo ID. Acceptable forms of ID include a driver's license, passport, or student ID. Your full name, photo, and school name (if applicable) should be visible. Digital IDs are not accepted

      Please note if your company partners with UPchieve your company has taken care of the photo ID step!

    • Complete the UPchieve 101 coach training

    • Take the certification quiz on the topic you'd like to coach

    • Select the times you'd like to receive a text when you need help

All of this takes less than 20 minutes to complete!

I uploaded my photo ID, but it says pending review.

  • A volunteer application/photo ID is reviewed and approved typically within 1-2 business days. Most of the time, it is faster! 

Why was my photo ID rejected?

  • Common reasons why your photo ID was not approved include:

    • Both your first and last name, as well as your face, were not clearly visible on the ID.

    • was not of a government-issued or school-issued ID (e.g., driver's license, passport, or school ID). If submitting a school ID, please ensure that the school name is visible. Additionally, selfies are not acceptable forms of photo ID.

    • The photo was a digital ID. We only accept pictures of physical photo IDs.

    • The photo was of low resolution or was difficult for us to read due to blurriness or glare.

    • The photo was not in jpeg or png format.

    To proceed with your application, please upload a new photo as soon as possible.

How do I schedule a session with a student?

  • UPchieve's tutoring sessions aren't scheduled. Students request help at any time during the day, which you can pick up if you're available. There are two ways to pick up tutoring requests:

    • Check the waiting list on your dashboard to see if any students need help. Click on the student's name to start the session. You can also toggle browser notifications under Your profile to hear a ping when a student needs help!

      Tip: bookmark this page!

    • Select the times you'd like to receive texts when a student needs help. Each text includes the student's name, subject, and a session link. Click the link, and log into your computer for a seamless interaction on our platform.

      Please note: The waiting list will show on your dashboard and you'll start receiving texts AFTER your account has been approved and you have completed onboarding.

What’s the average tutoring session like? 

  • The majority of tutoring requests UPchieve gets are for help with a specific homework question or assignment. The average session lasts 45 minutes (or longer if you're available, as there's no session time-out!), during which you'll help the student improve their understanding and solve problems.

I live outside the US. Can I still be a coach?

  • YES! We need volunteers who live in different time zones to help us meet student demand. Right now, we need your help to tutor students early in the morning and late at night. We highly encourage you to sign up!

I’m a high school student. Can I still be a coach?

  • YES! If you're 13 years or older and can pass at least one of our certification quizzes, you're eligible to volunteer with us. 

Is UPchieve a paid volunteer opportunity?

  • This is an unpaid, volunteer tutor position.

My schedule is unpredictable. Can I still be an academic coach?

  • YES! Our volunteer tutors don't work in “shifts," so you’re never required to pick up a request if you're not available. You can check the dashboard whenever you have free time to see if any students could use your help!

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